Sep 072004

The good news is that it looks like Windows XP is not responible for my camera not being able to always read digital cards. The bad news is that my camera is acting really flaky. Who would have thought that the camera getting dropped and banged up all the time could lead to damage to the camera? (Note to security checkpoint operatives at the Olympic Main Press Center: be careful when you choose to back up the X-ray machine.)

Right now, I have the Canon PowerShot S400. I think I want the Canon PowerShot S500. It is 100 better than the S400. The best feature of the S500 is that I can slip it in my pocket and use it whenever I feel like it. Of course, this is also why it got banged up in the first place.

I will probably be able to afford the S500, but it would be really cool to own a Canon EOS 20D. The 20D is a fully featured digital SLR. It is very light, yet it is still durable. It is on the high-end of the consumer line and the low-end of the professional line. It would be a really great camera to use to shoot wildlife.

Next vacation I think I will bring my laptop. I really want the ability to upload photos to my website. The dinner offer is still open for anyone who tells me where I can upload and edit photos in Florence or Milan.

Random tech question: The Euro symbols in my food review do not render correctly in Internet Explorer, but they look fine in Mozilla. Did I do something wrong, and can I fix this problem short of removing the Euro symbols? If you give me a productive answer, I will buy you dinner in New York City.

Random tech note: I bought more time on the Internet Cafe computer.

 Posted by at 10:55 am

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