Aug 212004

Friday night, Kiera invited me down to the pier between 66th and 72nd streets on the Hudson river to see Casablanca with some of her friends. The Parks Department set up a large inflatable screen at the end of the pier, and they fired up a DVD player wired to a projector. It was pretty cool. The weather was warm and clear, and the movie was really great.

Looking down the pier

It’s a nice park at the end of the pier. To get to the park, you walk down the side of Manhattan to the water. There is a fairly steep ramp that takes you from Riverside Drive to underneath the West Side Highway. (It may be the Henry Hudson Highway at that point; I don’t know.) Right next to the pier is an older loading dock. I remember reading exactly what it was for, but now I forget. I did take a photo, though.

Loading dock at 66th street

From the pier, you could see all the way up to the George Washington Bridge. The view was very pretty.

Hudson River from the 66th Street pier at dusk

(Full disclosure: I pumped up the saturation in this photo a little bit, but I think it is an accurate representation of what I saw.)

This is the first post I am making via email. If it works well,I’ll do it more in the future. Well, it didn’t work. First, blogger doesn’t accept HTML mail through its gateway, and also Mozilla stupidly took all my referenced images and included them as inline images. I can’t find the option in Mozilla to change this behavior. Anyone know of a good offline post creator that works with blogger? XHTML support a big plus.

 Posted by at 5:32 pm

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