Sep 292006

Two good posts on food today at megnut. First, Michael Ruhlman writes on a proposed bill in New Jersey banning the production of foie gras, Foie Inanity Reaches New York. Second, Meg writes on raw milk consumption, Raw milk and E. coli. Both posts were quite interesting, and I agree with Michael and Meg wholeheartedly.

With respect to Michael’s post, factory farming practices are much crueller and dangerous than U.S. foie gras production. Any politician who decides that foie gras production is evil while turning a blind eye towards the majority of chicken and pork production is naive at best.

Meg is spot on the money with respect to raw milk. Milk is pasteurized for a reason. While there are good reasons to enjoy raw milk cheeses, it is important to understand the risks. If you don’t like typical milk, I encourage you to seek out milk that is not ultra-pasteurized and homogenized, like the milk at Ronnybrook Farm Dairy. Of course, everything has costs; Ronnybrook milk is more expensive than large-scale factory farming produced milk.

Michael Ruhlman’s post and comments has references to a book by another Michael, The Omnivore’s Dilemma, by Michael Pollan. I read this book while I was on jury duty last month and meant to write about it earlier. This is a very well written book that documents how food gets to our table from the start of the process. He visits a variety of farms and finishes the book with a description of a meal he made with vegetables and meat he gathered and hunted. Michael also researches how our farm system is heavily linked to corn. Several parts of the book were published in various forms in the New York Times Magazine. You can read these items and others on his web site; they give you a good idea of the style of his book. One good sample to read is The Modern Hunter-Gatherer. I recommend picking up the book–it is an important work on the food we eat.

 Posted by at 12:29 pm
Sep 182006

I previously wrote about my friend, Kristen, performing in Cloudless, a contemporary dance piece. Last night, Susan Marshall, the Coreographer and Artistic Director of the Susan Marshall Company, was awarded a Bessie. The Bessies are the New York Dance and Performance Awards. It’s a pretty big deal, and Kristen was definitely thrilled. Her company performed during the awards ceremony; afterwords we went to a party in South Street Seaport.

Again, it is such a thrill to be able to enjoy and share artistic endeavors. I believe Cloudless will be performed again early next year. I recommend checking it out if you are in town.

The view from South Street Seaport
The view from South Street Seaport

Kristen dancing with one of her fellow dancers, Darrin. It shouldn’t be a shock that professional dancers can dance very well in a casual situation. :-) My photo doesn’t do them justice.
Kristen dancing with Darrin

 Posted by at 4:23 pm
Sep 182006

The Atlantic Antic, a gigantic street festival in Brooklyn, was held on Sunday. This street festival was amazing; it demonstrated what I love most about living in New York City–its diversity. There were people from all different cultures and walks of life. There was tons of music, food, and shopping. The booths were selling items beyond most of the junk you typically see at New York Street fairs. There were people from all over the political spectrum, and everyone was having a good time. The Atlantic Antic showcased the fireworks of humanity that makes New York City strong.
Atlantic Antic Atlantic Antic

Pink Japanese GoGo band at Last Exit (I don’t remember their names)
Pink Japanese GoGo band

Punk rock band
Punk rock at Atlantic Antic

Belly dancing
Belly dancing at Atlantic Antic

Food food food
Food at Atlantic Antic Food at Atlantic Antic Food at Atlantic Antic

 Posted by at 4:11 pm
Sep 182006

I went to see my friend, Chris Byars, play at Joe’s Pub the other night. His band, The Chris Byars Octet, recently released a new album, Night Owls. You should go out and purchase many, many copies of his CD, because the band kicks ass. In all seriousness, it was a terrific concert by awesome musicians at a great venue. It makes me so happy to know talented people like Chris, and I am thrilled to be able to share the fruits of their creativity and passion.

A very blurry Chris Byars

 Posted by at 4:02 pm
Sep 182006

When I was in London, I heard one of the best performances of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons I will probably hear in my life. I bought a front row ticket to a concert by London Concertante at St. Martin-in-the-Fields, a famous church just off of Trafalgar Square. It was a fantastic performance; I was close enough to the lead violin to hit him with my hand. The soloist, Adam Summerhayes, was less than five feet away. It was as if they were playing just for me.
St. Martin-in-the-Fields

 Posted by at 3:43 pm
Sep 092006

It looks like The New York Times gives you different content based on your location. Unfortunately, it looks like they have some bugs in the system. From my local desktop in London:

404 Not Found


From my account on a machine in California:
200 OK


Basically, this means that my web browser sees nothing here in London while it looks like everything is okay in the United States. If it weren’t Saturday, I might actually try to call someone at The New York Times.

After more testing, I found out something even better: and return different pages!

[Further update: the behavior of the site is changing as I type this post–I suspect the good people at The New York Times are making changes as we speak. Too bad that 8 AM EST is the middle of the day in London.]

 Posted by at 7:42 am