Apr 012006

Harlan and Kathleen weren’t able to join me at my birthday party, so we went out a couple of weeks later during the day. We ended up going to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It’s a fantastic museum. I end up seeing a different part of the museum for the first time every time I visit. And I’ve been visiting since I was a kid. This time, I saw the Luce Center for the first time.
Harlan and Kathleen
Harlan and Kathleen

 Posted by at 2:35 pm
Apr 012006

In early January, I had a few folks over to my house to help me celebrate my 32nd birthday (because five bits is not enough). Betsy took quite a few photos; I figured I had better get to posting them.

Cakes from Almondine
Yum yum. Cakes from Almondine.

James and Brian
James and Brian enjoy the free-flowing booze.

Nick, Jeremy, Sarah, and Joarim
Nick, Jeremy, Sarah, and Joarim

Scott, Carlos, Phil, and Robert
Scott, Carlos, Phil, and Robert

Emily and Heidi
Emily and Heidi

Robin and Karen
Robin and Karen

Betsy (self-portrait)
Betsy (self-portrait)


 Posted by at 2:21 pm
Apr 012006

I was browsing through the sites I read on Bloglines and thought I would highlight a couple of food sites that have had recent interesting posts. On Butter Pig, Tom Dowdy punctures the myth of filtering cheap vodka. C’est moi qui l’ai fait! is a cooking blog based in France. I mostly read it to practice my French, but the recipies and posts are interesting as well. Finally, Chocolate & Zucchini has great coverage of the best baguette in Paris.

 Posted by at 2:03 pm
Mar 272006

I’m currently at the airport waiting to fly to Indianapolis. I
m going to work at the Final Four. The technology we use is fairly interesting, and I will provide a full description later. This airport is boring. To make matters worse,my flight is delayed 20 minutes.

[Update: This post was created on my phone. Not all of the formatting worked correctly, it posted twice, and the whitespace was not correct. I’ve fixed it on this post, but I think it is a problem that either Blogger or Sprint should probably address.]

 Posted by at 12:30 pm