Sep 202004

I enjoyed my time everywhere in Italy, but I don’t think Florence was my favorite city. The sites were great, but Florence had a lot of tourists and American students. It was nice to be able to easily speak English, but I really enjoy experiencing other cultures. It seemed that English speakers were everywhere in Florence.

The Arno is a major river that flows through Florence. There are many crossings over the river; one of the most famous is the Ponte Vecchio.

Ponte Vecchio

This location on the Arno has had a bridge over it for hundreds of years. The bridge is fairly build up, with many small shops on either side of the roadway.

The Catherdral in Florence, called the Duomo, is very pretty. The architecture is distinctive. The surface is fairly flat, but it is very colorful with its green and white walls.

Duomo in Florence

 Posted by at 8:52 pm

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